O holl weithredoedd nef ei hun
O holl weithredoedd nef yn un

(Rhyfeddodau'r groes)
O holl weithredoedd nef ei hun,
Y benaf oll oedd prynu dyn:
  Rhyfeddod fwyaf o bob oes,
  Gwel'd Iesu'n gwaedu ar y groes.

Mae yma drysor mawr a drud,
Gwaed Duw yn llifo dros y byd;
  Na foed byth
      ond ei farwol glwy'
  Yn sylfaen
      ein caniadau mwy.

Dyfnderoedd annhraethadwy mwy,
Didrai, difesur, sy'n ei glwy';
  Hyfrydaf waith
      angylion fry,
  Yw cofio angeu Calfari.

            - - - - -

O holl weithredoedd nef yn un,
Y benaf oll oedd prynu dyn;
  Rhyfeddod mwyaf o bob oes,
  Gwel'd Iesu'n marw ar y groes.

Mae rhyw ddirgelwch llawer mwy,
Oes, Iesu, yn Dy farwol glwy
  Nag y gall sant tra ynddo chwyth,
  Na seraff pur, ei ddeall byth.

Wel, dyma'r trysor mwyaf drud -
Gwaed Iesu'n llifo dros y byd:
  Fyth na foed
      ond Ei farwol glwy
  Yn sylfaen
      pob caniadau mwy!

            - - - - -

O holl weithredoedd nef yn un,
Y benaf oll oedd prynu dyn;
  Rhyfeddod mwyaf o bob oes -
  Gwel'd Iesu'n marw ar y groes!

Ar Galfari, rhwng dae'r a nef,
Llewyrchodd ei ogoniant Ef;
  Un haul ymguddiodd y prydnawn,
  A'r llall a wnaed yn eglur iawn.

O! fyrddiwn rhyfeddodau'r groes.
Dyoddefodd f'Arglwydd angau loes;
  Caru hyd at ddyoddef llid,
  Caru a marw yr un pryd!

O ryfedd waith! Ti awyr fawr,
Tro d'amal lygad yma i lawr;
  Rhyfedda gyda'r thronau fry,
  Y cariad mawr ar Galfari.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Antigua (<1835)
Moliant (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)

  Duw er mor eang yw dy waith
  Mae rhyw ddirgelwch llawer mwy
  Wel dyma'r trysor mwyaf drud
  Troseddodd Adda pen pob dyn
  Y mae hapusrwydd pawb o'r byd

(The wonders of the cross)
Of all the actions of heaven itself,
The chief of all was redeeming man:
  The greatest wonder of every age,
  To see Jesus bleeding on the cross.

Here there is great and costly treasure,
The blood of God flowing for the world;
  May there be nothing
      but his mortal wound
  As the foundation of
      our songs henceforth.

The inexpressible depths, henceforth,
Unebbing, immeasurable, are in his wound;
  The most delightful work
      of the angels above,
  Is to remember the death of Calvary.

                 - - - - -

Of all the activities of heaven as one,
The chief of all was to redeem man;
  The greatest wonder of every age,
  To see Jesus dying on the cross.

There is some secret much greater,
Yes, Jesus, in Thy mortal wound
  Than can a saint while in it either,
  Nor pure seraph, ever understand.

See, here is the most precious treasure -
The blood of Jesus flowing for the world:
  May there be nothing
      but His mortal wound
  As the foundation of
      every song henceforth!

                 - - - - -

Of all the activities of heaven as one,
The chief of all was to redeem man;
  The greatest wonder of every age -
  To see Jesus dying on the cross!

On Calvary, between earth and heaven,
His glory shone,
  One sun hid that afternoon,
  And the other was made very clear.

O myriads of wonders of the cross!
My Lord suffered the throes of death;
  Loving so far as to suffer wrath,
  Loving and dying at the same time!

O wonderful work! Thou great sky,
Turn thy frequent eye down;
  Wonder with thy thrones above,
  At the great love on Calvary.
tr. 2016,17 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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